The seemingly inexorable march of new technology has turned telecommunications industry particularly mobile devices to become one of the most cost and time effective channels to reach customers nowadays. According to Regalix Research, many marketers adopt mobile website and mobile app to achieve their marketing objectives, integrating mobile into their business strategies to enhance customer experience. As of mobile search depicted with only 40% from respondents, Google and Nielsen 2013 Research shown a different perspective on mobile search as a key driver of online-and-offline (O2O) mechanism. Interestingly, many mobile users would likelihood to use mobile search for researching purpose and visit a retailer website/online store.
Over the past few years, the rise of digital redefined the meaning of go “shopping” in Australia. Encouragingly, more than half (55%) of Australians are willing to use online grocery shopping to replenish their goods with the offered ‘click and collect’ service. In Nielsen’s recent published article, it is predicted that online channel will account for over $1 billion of sales growth in the industry over the next five years exceptional for Health and Beauty because of its high involvement category and intense market competition in term of department stores, other online beauty retailers and pharmacies.
We believe that consider mobile as a connective tissue to all media, supports and strengthens all the channels will be a strong foundation for every business who opt for success.