January 4, 2012

by Jess Lee

Consider pursuing your own business? You’d wonder as there are plenty options out there. Online or brick-and-mortar? Which type would be the best fit for your background, skill sets and passion? Initial capital to fund the business would be another hurdle for you, probably. Most importantly, you would reconsider which home business has its highest chance of succeeding particularly during the Asian business environment still in the recovering situation.

Here’s the top 5 home-based business ideas that have grown potential, now and ahead. Let’s consider!

  1. English Tutor

The tutoring industry is no longer only caters for primary or secondary school students struggling for weaker subjects, however, college students as well as working adults are flocking to tutors to help themselves to get better English. As an English tutor, you need neither a language center nor a school to teach English, however, you can visit clients at their homes or offices as they will prefer one-on-one tutoring.

  1. Child Care

Conservatively, in Malaysia, there are more than half of the married couples are both working. Thus leaving them no choice but to seek for child care services. Self-employed in this easy-to-enter and barrier-less industry is among the best in the current economy.

  1. Accounting Services

With countless of small-and-medium enterprises looking for ways to save budgets, outsourcing accounting services to qualified accountants will be a choice for them. Starting a home-based accounting service requires low overhead as it doesn’t need an office to do so. You can visit clients at their homes or offices, collecting relevant documents and do it at home.

  1. Computer Repair Technician

As a matter of cost cutting among small-and-medium enterprises in Malaysia, many of them are looking to save computer repair costs by outsourcing to third parties. As a computer repair technician, you don’t need a center to repair computers, however, you can repair on-site, or collect computers at clients’ offices, and do it at home.

  1. Yoga Instructor

Undeniably, yoga has become a trend. It’s sort of appealing to both young and ageing population, with the aim of staying healthy, as such training requires low-impact workouts. As a yoga instructor, you need neither a yoga studio nor a school to teach yoga, however, you can visit clients at their homes or offices.


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